At the start of each month I pick a quote that applies to what I'm experiencing or focusing on at the time. You're more than welcome to join me on your own blog. If you do, please leave a link to your post so I can see the quote you choose!
Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition
-Steve Jobs
I stumbled across this quote on Pinterest a few weeks ago and it's something that really spoke to me in this season of my life. With pregnancy & motherhood come so many new decisions and experiences, so much learning and growing to do. And it seems to me that everyone has an opinion on everything- from childbirth to sleep training to what sort of changing table you should buy...So I'm keeping this quote in mind as we make the best and most informed decisions we can, keeping in mind what fits well for us and our growing family.
True, there is so much to find your way with when you become a parent. I hope you find a community of like minded folk, near and far, to support you in this journey. Especially if you are inclined to follow a non mainstream path, as you can feel a bit like you've got it wrong when all around you its being done differently than what feels right to you. And do be gentle with yourself, there are things you will do differently each time as you refine your mothering. All good things