Friday, December 30, 2016

one word 2017

photo by Christine Pienaar 

okay so it's fascinating to me to look back over the past few years of choosing words. In 2013 I went with embrace (as in embrace all the change happening around and to me in moving to a new continent and city..) In 2014 the word was patience. 2015 was brave. And this past year, I had the word savour

It's not lost on me that the trend seems to be alternating between active and passive words. Of course, words like patience and savour are not entirely passive, but they aren't driving to see change such as a word like brave is. And after this year of savouring, I'm ready for something active again.

That's why I've decided to go with the word grow. As in, reaching out of my comfort zone and pushing myself to really set down roots here where I am. 

I've got to admit that there's a part of me that's hesitant to really sink in and make a home here in Germany. The possibility of another move in the not so distant future has been looming over me these past 4 years but the truth is we've already been here FOUR years. That's a hellofa lot of time and definitely long enough to establish roots. And yet, I sometimes let myself hesitate because of fear that I'll just be uprooted again at some point soon.

So. No more. This year I really want to dive deep into the community I find myself in. To grow where I'm planted so to speak. AND to push myself out of my comfort zone, take some risks and grow as a human being, a wife and mother, a creative. 

1 comment:

  1. I love the word grow for the year that is very inspiring! I like your idea of choosing a word every year I might give it a try along with my list of resolutions I will have at the top a word. I understand a bit how you feel, I have moved from a town with my family to a city with my boyfriend this year and it has been an adjustment. I have enjoyed it but I think there is a part of me that doesn't feel settled quite yet. I understand if you feel like you are moving soon then it would be hard to really feel settled. All the best for you in the New Year!
