Tuesday, April 21, 2015

yarn crushes

As promised, here is a little round up of some of the yarn I'm hoping to knit with, now that my stash has been cleared out! I'm really excited about this new step in my fiber journey- learning more about where the wool I'm buying comes from and supporting small farms and individuals. I know that it's just a small start (and that I don't yet know all that much) but I'm trying to make changes as I learn and grow. 

There's a quote from Maya Angelou that goes, "know better that you may do better." This sums up really well how I feel about this stage I'm in. I've learned about super wash wool, and a little about the dark underside of the yarn business. I'm slowly learning about small farm ventures, discovering companies that are doing really great things for the yarn industry. And I want to support this, in the small ways that I can, learning as I go and acting accordingly. 

So, all that being said, here are my current yarn crushes:
the bold headings are links if you want to check any of them out!

Blacker Yarns

I've been itching to get my hands on some of this yarn for ages. I love the sheepy, tweedy look of it and think it would be perfect for a pair of mitts or a hat- basically my favorite things to knit.

Brooklyn Tweed Shelter

This yarn has caught my eye over and over again on Instagram. It looks so lovely and rustic and wooly. I'm hoping to knit a sweater for Waldi before the year is out and am wondering if this yarn would maybe be a good choice...

Quince & Co

For ages, I've been wanting to try knitting with Quince yarn. The color range is absolutely gorgeous and the yarn itself comes in so many different weights. Personally I'm hoping to try Chickadee. It's a little hard to find here in Germany, but I've been doing some research and hope to order some very soon (good thing I have a birthday coming up...haha!) 

Gregoria Fibers 

This yarn is naturally died by Anna, who I found through her Instagram. Natural dying is something that has intrigued me over the past few months and I love seeing behind the scenes peeks at her process. The colors are gorgeous and she's got a lot of sock yarn right now (which is great for summer knitting!) so I'm hoping to order some soon.
Drops Baby Alpaca Silk

I first saw this wool on Melody's Instagram, as she used it for her Waterlily project several weeks back. I actually already went ahead and bought some as it looked so lovely and soft, I was dying to try it. I chose a soft spring lavender and I'm so excited to knit with it. It's a potential choice for May's project but I'm still undecided...

So those are just a few of the yarns in my ever growing list. What yarns are you loving right now, or hoping to work with soon? I'd love to hear!

1 comment:

  1. As so begin thinking about the sweater and socks and everything else I want to make next year I am realizing all the yarn I do not want to use and who I want to support with my money. Thank you for the podcast recommendations and these links because the more informed I become the more I want to support Pam Allen and others. Sadly however I will probably have to shop completely online because I would never be able to afford a sweater if I went to my local yarn shop.
