Monday, December 8, 2014

Little List of Winter Goals

Since I think it's been pretty obvious here on the blog which of my Fall Goals I've accomplished and which I haven't (if you're wondering see here, here and here) I decided this time around not to do a goals recap post. Instead I thought I would jump straight into sharing about my goals for this Winter. I know it's not quite yet Winter but what with celebrating advent (and the sudden drop in temperature) I'm getting pretty excited about this little list of goals.  So I thought I'd share a bit early and get a jump start on a few of these! 

Also, I've decided to change from lists of 5 goals to lists of 3. I've just noticed over the past year (apart from my Spring goals) that I seem to be able to come up with 3 goals I'm really excited about & am actually able to achieve, while the last 2 items on the list seem to be there more for filling up space. Because this pressure to invent goals is the exact opposite of the point of these lists, I'll just be writing lists of three goals from now on.

So, all that now said, here's what I'm hoping to do this season:

1. go ice skating

Time at the rink was a huge part of my childhood and family life. (I am Canadian, after all... what else could be expected?) So it goes without saying that I've missed going ice skating the past few winters here in Germany. So this year I'm planning an ice skating date for Waldi and I and it will happen. Promise.

2. cast on my 2nd sweater

I've been itching to cast on a second sweater after knitting my Oatmeal pullover last winter. But one project got in the way of another and before I knew it, it was summer and too warm to contemplate casting on a sweater. So. I've included this again in my list of Winter goals for this year. It will most likely be this pattern, though I'm not making myself any promises!

3. learn to sew

It's official- I want to make a patchwork blanket. So, I'm starting small, asking for a sewing machine for Christmas and hoping to re-learn a few of the basic skills I had before I moved away from my mom (and her sewing machine...). We'll see where this takes me over the next few months.

what are you guys hoping to get up to this Winter? Any big and exciting goals planned for the next few months? 

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