Saturday, March 15, 2014

spring crochet

I cannot believe it's already the middle of March! The days are longer and warmer and fresher...I can practically measure the increase in my own creativity and inspiration. It's amazing what the change of seasons can bring. I've got a few exciting things coming soon for Spring in the shop (and also a sale early next week- stay tuned!)

We spent the last week in Berlin with friends, wandering through streets, stopping in cafes and shops, and talking well into the night. I will share more about this soon, but for now I thought I would share my most recent crochet project. I've been making these cute little apples from a back issue of Simply Crochet magazine. So far I've been using them as coasters, but I'm thinking it would be fun to turn a few into a cute little change purse! Now the question is just red or green...? 


  1. Die sehen toll aus!
    Ich dachte erst an Topflappen, als ich die Bildvorschau sah.

    Habt ein schönes Wochenende

    1. oooh! auch eine toll idea! Ich muss nur herausfinden, wie mann die größer macht ;)
