Wednesday, April 10, 2013

button bracelet tutorial

I have spent the past two and a half weeks frantically knitting up items for my shop. While getting everything finished, photographed and online has taken a little more time and work then I expected, it's also been a huge learning experience for me. However, I wouldn't call myself the most patient person in the world, and I am dying to share something I've made online! 

So I thought I would do a tutorial on something that may eventually end up in my shop. This button bracelet is a super simple knit that I decided to make up on a whim. It's totally suitable for beginner knitters as well.
Here is how you can make your own:

what you need:

  • multicoloured yarn. I suggest using a lightweight yarn, as you don't want your bracelet to be too thick. Also, you want something where the colour changes often. If you use something like sock yarn (which is often designed to create stripes over a larger number of stitches) you will get blocks of colour rather than stripes. This can also be cute, just depends what look you are going for.
  • two double pointed needles (DPNs). I used 4mm needles with my lightweight yarn, but you can just check the size recommendation for the wool you decide to go with. 
  • small button in complementary colour
  • tapestry needle for weaving in ends.

Basically, all you need to do for this project is make an I-cord. If you have never done this before, don't worry, it's super easy! The I-cord technique was developed by Elizabeth Zimmermann. (the "I", believe it or not, stands for idiot, that's how simple it is.) There are plenty of articles and tutorials to find online if you need more help than my own humble explanation. 
To make your I-cord, cast on 3 stitches. Now instead of turning your work (as you would normally do) simply slide all 3 stitches to the other end of your DPN, moving the needle from your right hand to your left, and knit. Make sure to pull your yarn across the back of your work and not the front :) 
This is all you have to do for the entire project! Each time you knit up the 3 stitches, slide them to the other end, switch hands and knit again.

Once piece measures desired length (I usually go until I can comfortably wrap it around my wrist 4 times) simply cast off and sew your ends together. Then sew your button in place over the seam and you are good to go! 

I'm considering making a limited number of these bracelets in my shop as well, but I'll keep you posted. For now, Happy Crafting!

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