Tuesday, April 28, 2015

life lately

enjoying picnics outside with friends
reading this essay (and bookmarking for rereading purposes)
watching the archives of this video podcast
wondering why it took me so long to learn to make stovetop popcorn
looking forward to celebrating my birthday this weekend
baking bread again and starting with banana bread of course
trying to pick May's project but I'm still undecided 
crocheting with summery cotton yarn
inspired by the issue of Interweave Knits my mom sent me in the mail
planning some new projects for my new wool!
excited for strawberry season- there's so much strawberry pie in my future...

1 comment:

  1. Haha, we really need to meet up some time, I feel we'd have so much to talk about - I made the first stovetop popcorn in my life a few days ago and baked that very banana bread recipe last Sunday (it's good isn't it!). How do you make your popcorn? Salted or sweet?
    Hope you had a lovely birthday :)
