sending out custom orders packaged with love
beginning our Holiday movie marathon with a few favorites
enjoying bumping into friends at the Marburg Christmas market
watching this movie (yes, on opening night...)
making some easy DIY/DKY (do knit yourself...) holiday gifts & deco
so (SO) inspired by this Instagram feed
(and officially asking for a sewing machine for Christmas)
eating lots of homemade Fall risottos
loving inviting people into our home for dinner & conversation
very excited for this new podcast
thinking about casting on these (yes, mitts again!)
planning on slowing down for the upcoming season of advent
so very thankful for all the lovely feedback on my post about wearing handmade. you guys are the greatest.
Love those mitts! Slowing down for advent is a good idea, I'm trying this too. That woolful podcast has been on my list for days now, maybe I'll finally get to listen to it this weekend :)