Wednesday, April 23, 2014

little list of Spring Goals

I'm pretty happy with my progress on my Winter Goals (4/5 is pretty good I think). I love having these small lists to remind me to take the time for small things that I enjoy. For some reason when things get a little crazy, these sorts of small joys are the first to go. That is why planning them is so important! One thing I learned last Summer is that sometimes it's best to start small and go from there. So here are my list of small(ish) goals for this Spring season!

1. keep my small herb garden alive!
2. knit a pair of socks (no suprise there...)
3. host a simple birthday celebration
4. join a fitness class (in German...ahhhhh!)
5. learn to spin (this one is a bit of a bigger goal, but it's something I'm very excited about. hopefully I can get ahold of supplies soon!)


  1. Hy there Ruth, so this comment has nothing to do with the post, but I saw this in facebook and I like to show it to you. I think it might help :) its about selling on Etsy.
    Here goes the link:


    1. Hi Cat!

      Thanks so much! I'll take a look at it later today, but just from scanning it quickly I can already see it's going to help :)
