Wednesday, November 20, 2013

yarn along

This week, I am joining Yarn Along, hosted by Ginny of Small Things. An opportunity to share my love of knitting AND reading? Yes please!

knitting: I FINALLY made it to the DPN point on this Hermione Hat. I know I've been talking about this hat for almost a's taken me awhile to finish but it's been a really fun project and I cannot WAIT to wear it! Hopefully it will be finished by the weekend.

reading: This week I've been reading Bel Canto by Ann Patchett. This is one of those books that's been on my list for ages so when I finally found it at the library last week I knew I had to pick it up. And it does not disappoint.


  1. Oh, Hermione hat :) I also knitted it last year for my cousin. I wish I'd kept that hat...
    Wishing you happy knitting :)

  2. Oh I have been wanting to read that one FOREVER! You just reminded me, lol. Is this the same Hermione <3's Ron hat?

  3. The hat looks great so far! I love the cables.

  4. OOOH! I'm going to have to find that pattern! It's so pretty! I've got that book on my list too, except it keeps going out before I can grab it on hold. It must be good!

    1. it's called Hermione <3's Ron on Ravelry. and the book is absolutely worth the read!!

  5. beautiful hat!!! I bet it is all finished now and on a head :)

  6. I read Bel Canto years ago in my book club. It didn't seem that long ago, but then I remembered the last time I was there, and it was! Lovely knit. I've never done a cable and said this was the year I would try it. Better get a move on because the year is winding down!!!

    1. this would be a great pattern for a first cable project! very well written and easy to follow pattern...

  7. Favoriting that pattern on Ravelry. I need to knit mySELF a hat! That is a cute one!
