Friday, November 29, 2013

little list of Winter goals

(this little list was inspired by Julie of Knitted Bliss. see her list of Winter goals here)

oh my goodness, I love lists. and I love setting goals. Over the summer, I made a list of personal goals. these had nothing to do with work or with learning German or with anything that I had to to do. they were just fun, simple things I wanted to do for me over the season. actually sitting down and making these things into goals helped me not to push them aside for "more important" things...which really were not more important at all.

so I've decided to do the same for Winter. Here are 5 small goals to help me enjoy this season ahead:

1. knit a cozy sweater (you had to be expecting that by now...)

2. visit the Christmas Market here in Marburg as many times as possible before we fly off to Canada. 

3. bake Christmas cookies with my mom and sister while at home.

4. read at least one book by Shauna Niequest (I'm hoping to pick up Bread and Wine while we're in Canada)

5. make my own candles. (I've tried this before and was extremely this Winter I'd like to give it another go!)

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